4 pieces of info that jeremywadedelle.com got wrong

Originally posted on Tumblr on December 31, 2023.

jeremywadedelle.com, the site created by my friend Ash and of which I am a moderator, is based mainly on three sources: the 1991 police report, ssheps.com and thejeremystory.

I've already explained why I don't really feel like thejeremystory is a reliable source, so it goes without saying that if you base your website on a source which isn't that authentic, you end up not being 100% authentic as well.

These is the info I will be correcting:

1) Where Jeremy lived in year 1990

2) Jeremy's inpatient/outpatient experience at Timberlawn 

3) The length of Jeremy's stay at Timberlawn 

4) The number of schools Jeremy went to between late 1989 and early 1991

(1) Where Jeremy lived in year 1990

What jeremywadedelle.com (actually thejeremystory) said ('Later Life' section):

What Nancy said in January 1991 (1991 police report, page 21 of the PDF):

So Nancy stated Jeremy went to live with his father in Richardson AFTER coming out of Timberlawn (October 1990), and then he started Richardson High School. This is something confirmed by other sources as well (ssheps.com, sec. 'Information update', 'The Interview - Interview with RHS Employee Regarding Jeremy', 'From Shelly:'):  

Therefore, it seems that Jeremy actually lived in Dallas (with his mom, stepfather and sister) up until October 1990. He went to live in Richardson with his father only after coming out of the hospital, in October 1990.

2) Jeremy's inpatient/outpatient experience at Timberlawn

What jeremywadedelle.com said ('Later Life' section):

So according to this, Jeremy was an inpatient from April 1990 to July 1990 and from July 1990 to October 1990 he was an outpatient. However, this is not what the previous sources claim and what this other comment claims (ssheps.com, sec. 'The Interview - Interview with RHS Employee Regarding Jeremy'): 

This is where it gets tricky: no one, except for jeremywadedelle.com, not even the not-so-reliable thejeremystory, ever mentions the words "inpatient" or "outpatient". I'm not sure where Ash got that info, I can't really ask him because he's been MIA as of lately. In any case, what I'm actually understanding here, is that there was no outpatient experience: Jeremy lived at Timberlawn (Dallas) for six months of his life as an inpatient and only came out in October 1990. The only chances he had to (temporarily) get out of the hospital were thanks to passes, like Nancy (page 21 of the 1991 police report) said:

This was also confirmed by Chris, Jeremy's friend from Austin whom he met at Timberlawn. In fact, in some e-mails, Chris claimed: "I came to know Jeremy’s family pretty well, and spent some weekends with them while on pass with Jeremy."

3) The length of Jeremy's stay at Timberlawn

Another thing regarding Timberlawn: if we look at the screenshot from jeremywadedelle.com in part (2) of this post, we see that Ash says that the program at Timberlawn lasted six months... but it isn't really like that! According to Nancy's statement (1) and the screenshots from the previous sources, it seems Jeremy's program lasted six months only because after six months his insurance run out of money, not because it was actually supposed to last six months!

4) The number of schools Jeremy went to between late 1989 and early 1991

What jeremywadedelle.com (actually thejeremystory) said ('Later Life' section):

What Shelly said (ssheps.com, sec. 'From Shelly:'):

So according to jeremywadedelle.com (actually thejeremystory), Jeremy was no longer at Bryan Adams High School in April 1990, but was attending Richardson Jr. High School since late March; therefore he attempted suicide while he was at this other school. 

Why then would Shelly, his classmate at Bryan Adams High School, say that "one day she came to class and he was gone, taken away to a mental hospital" (event which took place in April 1990)? Also, if you look at Nancy's screenshot from section (1), she claimed that Jeremy was at Bryan Adams High School "prior to that time" (I'm assuming "that time" being his Timberlawn experience). Richardson Jr. High School was mentioned nowhere. 

Personally, I don't believe Jeremy ever went to Richardson Jr. High School. I think he simply went to Bryan Adams High School prior to his Timberlawn stay and then to Richardson High School after his Timberlawn stay. There was no other school.


I noticed these things 6 months after finishing my trilogy, 3.5 years after starting it and 4 years after finding out about Jeremy. That's a LONG time. 

I found out about these discrepancies only because I am quoting every single bit of info I put in my trilogy. I'm tracing a timeline of events and trying to understand what went down, how and why - much like what a historian or biographer would do. I think this is probably the only way someone could ever notice these discrepancies, that's what I want to state that I'm not criticizing Ash in any way: the sources we have are just a few and they are so full of info, a lot of which are conflicting. Tracing a timeline and understanding events is NOT easy.

Now, I'm not claiming this is 100% true either: all info about Jeremy is true until otherwise proven. The only way to know for certain is to actually speak to someone who was close to Jeremy, but even then, thirty years have passed so they may not be able to remember.

I decided to post my discoveries simply because I want to help in telling the truth about Jeremy... which in my case is actually SUGGESTING the truth, since I never met him. That's the whole basis of my blog and approach - research, science, telling the truth and humanizing. One consideration: had I discovered these things myself a lot earlier, I don't think part 2 and 3 of my trilogy would ever existed. So, in a way, I am sort of glad I found out about these things only now. 

Well, that's it. Thank you for reading, in case you did!
