Reposted work

This section is dedicated to preserving some of the work of and The Jeremy Story by reposting their contributions that shed a light on the kind of person Jeremy Wade Delle was. - About Jeremy's life at school 

"I was a key employee at Richardson High School when Jeremy committed suicide. I was one of the last adults that talked to him besides Faye Barnett. [...] Some of the incidents you have from your research and some small ones (from the article) deviate from the truth. [...] This was such a tragedy. Jeremy was a good kid with a mountain of problems that he didn't deserve. [...]"

[Read this article] - Comments left by people who knew Jeremy 

"[...] Jeremy had a kind heart, he really did. Not very many people got close enough to see that. He hid behind a very dark yet macho cloud. Yet he was the most timid person I ever met. He had the most beautiful eyes too. They were very sad eyes like mine were. He and I would smoke together and he always took my cigarettes [...]."

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The Jeremy Story - Joseph Delle’s 2009 statements

"I reread Joseph Delle's (Jeremy's father) 2009 statements and while I find them hard to read given they do talk about Jeremy's death, I thought it was important to repost them because in my opinion they really give a glimpse of the pain his poor parents endured, and how incredibly insensitive some people got (and I know still get). I thought these statements humanize Mr. Delle a lot."

[Read this article]